
阅读:5210 2020-01-03 22:39:39 来源:【小火云】 作者:【小火云】
欧洲联盟(European Union),即我们所熟知的欧盟(EU),现拥有28个会员国[1]正式官方语言有24种,是世界上最大的经济体之一。欧盟有着诸多的优势,比如在知识产权领域,欧盟商标注册使企业通过“一站式”注册程序,更加简便地以更低成本在整个欧盟范围内的欧洲各个成员国内获得全面保护。欧盟商标注册有诸多的优势,比如:费用低,只需申请注册一次,即可在整个欧盟的二十八个成员国获得该商标,较之于在各个成员国分别提出申请,费用大幅度减少;保护程序集中化,一件欧盟商标注册可获得欧盟28个成员国的保护,有关商标案件的裁决将在欧盟所有的国家得到执行;注册商标在一个欧盟国家使用就足以对抗以未使用商标为由提出的撤销申请等,使更多人在进行欧洲商标布局的时候选择欧盟商标注册申请,欧盟商标注册早已经成为大部分企业在海外商标布局的时候绕不开的话题。




欧盟商标转化(Conversion into a national trade mark application),是指欧盟商标,不管是尚在申请中或已经注册,在遇到特定事由,如撤回、被驳回、撤销等后,商标所有人根据欧盟商标条例的相关法律规定向欧盟知识产权局申请将其转化为其中一个、多个或所有欧盟成员国的国家申请[2]。对于马德里指定欧盟注册申请的商标,则可以选择转化为成员国单一国家申请,马德里后期指定欧盟成员国申请,部分转为单一国家申请同时部分转为马德里后期指定欧盟成员国申请[3]


1. 欧盟商标注册申请,被EUIPO驳回,被商标申请人撤回,以及因未及时缴纳官费等原因被视为撤回商标申请[2]的情形;
2. 欧盟注册商标失效,包含商标所有人放弃、期满未续展、被EUIPO或欧盟商标法院宣告无效、被EUIPO或欧盟商标法院撤销[4]的情形



1. 申请转化的欧盟商标,必须满足最基本的形式要求,如须有具体的申请人名称和地址、商标号、申请转化的指定商品或服务及对应欧盟成员国的信息[7],同时须在规定期限内缴纳转化申请费,从而满足官方给予申请日的条件,否则将不被视为官方驳回申请或无效的情形,将不能申请转化;
2. 欧盟商标,不管是单一注册还是通过马德里指定欧盟注册,被第三方基于注册后连续不使用(5年)撤销的,不能进行商标转化。但是在申请转化的成员国内,商标所有人已将该件欧盟商标投入使用,且根据该成员国的法律规定属于是真实使用的情形除外[8]


1. 商标所有人申请欧盟商标转化,须按照不同转化事由的对应转化期限提交转化申请。申请人撤回申请,包括被视为撤回的情形,以及注册商标失效,包含放弃、未续展、被EUIPO或欧盟商标法院宣告无效、撤销的商标申请转化,都须在法律规定的三个月期限内提交转化申请,该期限不能申请延期。具体的时间起算点根据不同的转化事由有所不同,一般是以转化事由的发生时间或者生效时间计算。转化申请只有在转化申请的费用缴纳完毕后才能被视为正式提交[10]
2. 商标所有人向EUIPO提交转化申请后,EUIPO会对转化的各种内容进行审查,确认是否满足转化要求,符合要求的EUIPO会将转化申请的信息在欧盟官方网站进行公告。若不满足相关要求,EUIPO会通知申请人限期进行补救,若申请人未能在规定的期限内进行救济,EUIPO会驳回该转化申请。若在三个月的转化期限内未完成缴纳转化申请所需的费用,则EUIPO会通知申请人转化申请视为未提交[11]
3. EUIPO或欧盟商标法院因为某欧盟成员国的官方语言以绝对理由对申请转化的商标下发驳回或宣告无效,则该商标不能在任何以该种语言为官方语言或其中一种官方语言的成员国申请转化。但是,若EUIPO或欧盟商标法院因为适用于整个欧盟的绝对理由或发现有在先欧盟商标或其他欧盟在先工业产权下发驳回或宣告无效,则该商标不能在整个欧盟成员国内申请转化[12]



(1) 欧盟商标、马德里指定欧盟注册商标转化为欧盟成员国国内申请:视为该转化后的申请享有原商标的申请日、优先权日、特定情形下的在先商标权利[17]
(2) 马德里指定欧盟注册商标转化为马德里后期指定欧盟成员国申请:视为该转化后的申请享有原马德里国际注册指定欧盟的国际注册日、后期指定日等[2]


【注    释】

[1] EU trade mark application has been withdrawn or on which the EU trade mark ceases to have effect. 6.Where the EU trade mark application is refused by decision of the Office or where the EU trade mark ceases to have effect as a result of a decision of the Office or of an EU trade mark court, the request for conversion shall be filed within three months of the date on which that decision acquired the authority of a final decision.

[2] 根据《商标国际注册马德里协定》第六条第3款的规定:自国际注册的日期开始五年之内,如根据第一条而在原属国原先注册的国家商标已全部或部分不复享受法律保护时,那么,国际注册所得到的保护,不论其是否已经转让,也全部或部分不再产生权利。当五年期限届满前因引起诉讼而致停止法律保护时,本规定亦同样适用。

[3] 根据《欧盟商标条例实施细则》第X章第三部分第22条e款的规定:A request for conversion of an EU trade mark application or a registered EU trade mark into a national trade mark application pursuant to Article 139 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 shall contain: where the request does not relate to all of the goods or services for which the application has been filed or for which the EU trade mark has been registered, an indication of the goods or services for which conversion is requested, and, where conversion is requested in respect of more than one Member State and the list of goods or services is not the same for all Member States, an indication of the respective goods or services for each Member State.

[4] 根据《欧盟商标条例实施细则》第X章第三部分第22条a, b, c, d款的规定:A request for conversion of an EU trade mark application or a registered EU trade mark into a national trade mark application pursuant to Article 139 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 shall contain: (a) the name and the address of the applicant for conversion in accordance with Article 2(1)(b) of this Regulation; (b) the filing number of the EU trade mark application or the registration number of the EU trade mark; (c)an indication of the ground for conversion in accordance with Article 139(1)(a) or (b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001; (d) an indication of the Member State or the Member States in respect of which conversion is requested.

[5] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第139条第2款(a)项的规定:Conversion shall not take place: (a) where the rights of the proprietor of the EU trade mark have been revoked on the grounds of non-use, unless in the Member State for which conversion is requested the EU trade mark has been put to use which would be considered to be genuine use under the laws of that Member State.

[6] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第139条第2款(b)项的规定:Conversion shall not take place:for the purpose of protection in a Member State in which, in accordance with the decision of the Office or of the national court, grounds for refusal of registration or grounds for revocation or invalidity apply to the EU trade mark application or EU trade mark.

[7] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第140条第1款的规定:A request for conversion shall be filed with the Office within the relevant period pursuant to Article 139(4), (5) or (6), and shall include an indication of the grounds for conversion in accordance with Article 139(1)(a) or (b), the Member States in respect of which conversion is requested, and the goods and services subject to conversion. Where conversion is requested following a failure to renew the registration, the period of three months provided for in Article 139(5) shall begin to run on the day following the last day on which the request for renewal can be presented pursuant to Article 53(3). The request for conversion shall not be deemed to be filed until the conversion fee has been paid.

[8] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第140条第3款的规定:The Office shall check whether the conversion requested fulfils the conditions set out in this Regulation, in particular Article 139(1), (2), (4), (5) and (6), and paragraph 1 of this Article, together with the formal conditions specified in the implementing act adopted pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Article. If the conditions governing the request are not fulfilled, the Office shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies. If the deficiencies are not remedied within a period to be specified by the Office, the Office shall reject the request for conversion. Where Article 139(2) applies, the Office shall reject the request for conversion as inadmissible only with respect to those Member States for which conversion is excluded under that provision. Where the conversion fee has not been paid within the relevant period of three months pursuant to Article 139(4), (5) or (6), the Office shall inform the applicant that the request for conversion is deemed not to have been filed.

[9] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第140条第4款的规定:If the Office or an EU trade mark court has refused the EU trade mark application or has declared the EU trade mark invalid on absolute grounds by reference to the language of a Member State, conversion shall be excluded under Article 139(2) for all the Member States in which that language is one of the official languages. If the Office or an EU trade mark court has refused the EU trade mark application or has declared the EU trade mark invalid on absolute grounds which are found to apply throughout the Union or on account of an earlier EU trade mark or other Union industrial property right, conversion shall be excluded under Article 139(2) for all Member States.

[10] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第140条第5款的规定:Where the request for conversion complies with the requirements referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the Office shall transmit the request for conversion and the data referred to in Article 111(2) to the central industrial property offices of the Member States, including the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property, for which the request has been found admissible. The Office shall inform the applicant of the date of transmission.

[11] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第141条第1款的规定:Any central industrial property office to which the request for conversion is transmitted may obtain from the Office any additional information concerning the request enabling that office to make a decision regarding the national trade mark resulting from the conversion.

[12] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第141条第3款的规定:Any central industrial property office to which the request is transmitted may require that the applicant shall, within not less than two months: (a)pay the national application fee;(b) file a translation in one of the official languages of the State in question of the request and of the documents accompanying it;(c)indicate an address for service in the State in question;(d)supply a representation of the trade mark in the number of copies specified by the State in question.

[13] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第141条第2款的规定:An EU trade mark application or an EU trade mark transmitted in accordance with Article 140 shall not be subject to formal requirements of national law which are different from or additional to those provided for in this Regulation or in acts adopted pursuant to this Regulation.

[14] 根据《欧盟商标条例》第XI章第三部分第139条第3款的规定:The national trade mark application resulting from the conversion of an EU trade mark application or an EU trade mark shall enjoy in respect of the Member State concerned the date of filing or the date of priority of that application or trade mark and, where appropriate, the seniority of a trade mark of that State claimed under Articles 39 or 40.

[15] 根据根据全球智能信息服务提供商科睿唯安旗下的CompuMark2019年中国国际商标品牌节上发布的最新2018年商标数据报告

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